전체 글 113

<Quantitative Finance> - Chapter 9 - early exercise and American options

https://symin.us/posts/financial_engineering/2024-03-15.html Gloria - Quantitative Finance - Chapter 9 - early exercise and American optionsthe meaning of early exercise the difference between European, American and Bermudan options how to value American options in the partial differential equation framework how to decide when to exercise early early exercise and dividends Introduction Americasy..

<Quantitative Finance> - Chapter 8 - simple generalizations of the Black-Scholes world

https://symin.us/posts/financial_engineering/2024-03-14.html Gloria - Quantitative Finance - Chapter 8 - simple generalizations of the Black-Scholes worldcomplex dividend structures jump conditions time-dependent volatility, interest rate and dividend yield Dividends, foreign interest and cost of carry Assume continuous dividend good for stock index incorporating large number of stocks underlyin..

<Quantitative Finance> - Chapter 7 - the Black-Scholes formulae and the ‘greeks’

https://symin.us/posts/financial_engineering/2024-03-13.html Gloria - Quantitative Finance - Chapter 7 - the Black-Scholes formulae and the ‘greeks’ the derivation of the Black-Scholes formulae for calls, puts and simple digitals the meaning and importance of the ‘greeks,’ delta, gamma, theta, vega and rho the difference between differentiation with respect to variable and to parameters formulae..

<다산의 마지막 습관> review - Introduction

https://blog.naver.com/sy9777m/222616430346 review - Introduction" data-og-description="https://symin.us/83 나는 나를 잘못 간직했다가 나를 잃은 자다. 어렸을 때 과거가 좋게 보여서 과거 공부..." data-og-host="blog.naver.com" data-og-source-url="https://blog.naver.com/sy9777m/222616430346" data-og-url="https://blog.naver.com/sy9777m/222616430346" data-og-image="https://scrap.kakaocdn.net/dn/xlHVo/hyWdrnhP3q/Zy7Ffgnpjzfj2tA7QrNVHk/..

Philosophy 2024.03.05

<Quantitative Finance> - Chapter 6 - partial differential equations

https://symin.us/posts/financial_engineering/2024-03-04.html Gloria - Quantitative Finance - Chapter 6 - partial differential equations Properties of the parabolic partial differential equation the meaning of terms in the Black-Scholes equation Putting the Black-Scholes equation into historical perspective The Black-Scholes partial differential equation is in two dimensions, S and t. It is symin..