Financial Engineering 27

<Quantitative Finance> - Chapter 6 - partial differential equations Gloria - Quantitative Finance - Chapter 6 - partial differential equations Properties of the parabolic partial differential equation the meaning of terms in the Black-Scholes equation Putting the Black-Scholes equation into historical perspective The Black-Scholes partial differential equation is in two dimensions, S and t. It is symin..

<Quantitative Finance> - Chapter 4 - elementary stochastic calculus Gloria - Quantitative Finance - Chapter 4 - elementary stochastic calculusIn this chapter all the stochastic calculus the meaning of Markov and martingale Brownian motion stochastic integration stochastic differential equations Ito’s lemma in one and more dimensions The Markov property The distribution of the value of the randsymin.usI..

<Quantitative Finance> - Chapter 3 - the random behavior of assets Gloria - Quantitative Finance - Chapter 3 - the random behavior of assetsIn this chapter Jensen’s inequality how to examine time-series data to model returns the Wiener process, a mathematical model of randomness a simple model for equities, currencies, commodities and indices The popular forms of ‘analysis’ Three form ofsymin.usIn thi..